Entries by Rosey Broderick

Top Tips for Keyword Analysis

Several types of techniques can be used to promote an organisation’s website and build their web presence. Keyword analysis is one of the techniques and is considered to be one of the most important aspects of SEO. This research and in-depth analysis enables organisations to identify and zone in on words which are often used […]

Optimising for MSN

SEO experts often forget that there are three major search engines. While there is no doubt that Google is the number one with the most searches and Yahoo! manages to get about a quarter of the market, MSN has not retired yet. It holds about 10-15 percent of the searches (according to some sources even […]

Optimizing for Yahoo!

Back in the dawn of the Internet, Yahoo! was the most popular search engine. When Google arrived, its indisputably precise search results made it the preferred search engine. However, Google is not the only search engine and it is estimated that about 20-25% or searches are conducted on Yahoo! Another major player on the market […]

10 Ways To Improve Your Site Content

Step1: Write a clickable headline – The headline is the first thing that both readers and robots see. Make the title as compelling as possible, and work a keyword or two in so the search engines know what your content is about. You can entice more readers to click by promising, either explicitly or implicitly, […]

SEO For Small Business Owners

Search engine optimisation, also known as seo, is the task of ensuring that your website and its content is optimised to afford it the best possible chance of ranking well in the search engine results pages (SERPS). Seo services were seen as the preserve of techies and search engine optimisation experts, and best left to […]

5 of the Best Seo Plugins for WordPress

With more than 180 million blogs in existence, it can be difficult for people to find your content on the Internet. The key to successfully getting users onto your blog is with search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is the process of optimising your Blog for search engines with the aim of getting a high listing […]

The 4 P’s of SEO

So you may be familiar with the the 4 P’s of Marketing which describe the elements of the Marketing Mix – Product, Price, Place and Promotion. In order to implement a successful SEO strategy there are qualities necessary and these can be summarised in the 4 P’s of SEO.

How to Optimise Your Google Places Page

Google searches are often localised searches so it is no wonder then that Googles Place Pages are now being listed in more SERPs. This presents quite the opportunity for businesses to gain a spot on the first page or in some cases to gain even more space on the first page, so how can you […]