How to Optimise Your Google Places Page
Google searches are often localised searches so it is no wonder then that Googles Place Pages are now being listed in more SERPs. This presents quite the opportunity for businesses to gain a spot on the first page or in some cases to gain even more space on the first page, so how can you optimise you Google Places Page?
1) Completeness & Consistency
There are a number of fields to complete when creating Google places. Some areas may not seem as important as others but is always key to remember, Google wants to give users the best experience possible – therefore the more information offered, the better. Completing optional fields, business hours, adding photos and videos of your business will all help towards the completeness of your Google Places profile.
2) Strategic Use of Keywords
Having your keywords in the right places is key – strategically use keywords in the description of your business.
3) Service Area Covered
This is an area where your business serves as opposed to providing a business address for your company, it will show up on the map as a circle rather than a pinpoint. However, where businesses have selected to display the Service area rather than their location there has been a decrease in rankings so avoid this option for the time being.
4) Encourage Customer Reviews
Reviews are a great way to increase your local search rankings but good reviews are hard to come by as people are often only compelled to write a review when they feel hard done by or feel like they have been treated unfairly. Encourage customers by providing a link to your Places page on your website, facebook page, or even in store – give detailed instructions and make it as easy as possible for people to leave reviews.
5) Bulk Uploads
Creating multiple places pages at a time is really convenient for franchises or businesses with several locations, however there are one or two things to take note of whilst doing a bulk upload.
- Brand Name in the title – Some business have names that vary depending on location, in this case make sure that the parent company name is incorporated.
- Aggressive Keyword Placement – Keyword Stuffing the description and placing keywords in unnecessary places is a sure way to get the entire bulk upload denied, so use your keywords cautiously and wisely.
- Uniqueness – If all listings have the same contact information, you will encounter problems. Try to make sure that all listings are as unique, differentiated, and complete as possible. Phone numbers, contact emails etc should be all different
These tips should help in the optimisation of your Google Places Pages, to optimise you website and it’s content and to improve your websites visibility on Search Engines, contact us today.