The introduction of Google Panda and Penguin are making a lot of people step back and take a look at their website content. Ranking is now more complicated than ever, especially when you are failing to rank even with great, unique content on your site. Not only do we have to worry about this, we now need to make sure we are gaining Penguin-proof links also. Even if you have pages on your website with linkable content, there are many ways that content can be falling short. Here are some of the most common pit falls and how to fix them:

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Google’s Penguin update went live on the 24th of April. This was a massive change to Google’s SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages) designed to penalize pages using spamming tactics to improve their page rankings on Google. Some of the spamming activities that Google wanted to prevent included “Cloaking” and “Keyword Stuffing”. Read more

Videos are becoming increasingly important for SEO. The first step, of course is to create some interesting video content that people are going to want to watch. If people like what you’ve made enough, as with text content, they will link to it.

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Getting the balance right between having quality links directed towards your site and maintaining those inbound links is a difficult one as often these links are expected to either be reciprocated or paid for. Finding areas where we can place our links on high ranking, authoritative websites is what makes many of our days that little bit longer. Read more

As often happens in the wake of a major algorithmic update by Google, shockwaves have been sent across the web and some websites may find a drastic drop in their rankings. The aim of this Google update was to combat sites that were Google believes were spamming them in order to rank higher, such as:

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Google is pushing organic search results further down the page in favour of greater ad exposure and universal search,  so it is really important to maximise the amount of space your website receives. We have compiled some tips on how to improve your presences on SERP’s. Read more

SEO is not about individual tools but is about combining a set of techniques that will all work together to improve your websites performance and rankings. Read more

Websites do not only have once entrance which means that visitors to your website can land on a variety of pages when entering your site. This demonstrates the importance of creating a website that is user friendly. Breadcrumb trails were originally developed to help visitors navigate around a website; they can be particularly helpful on large websites as they show the user where the current page is located relevant to the whole structure of the site. It also allows you a short cut to a specific page by clicking one of the links. Read more

Several types of techniques can be used to promote an organisation’s website and build their web presence. Keyword analysis is one of the techniques and is considered to be one of the most important aspects of SEO. This research and in-depth analysis enables organisations to identify and zone in on words which are often used and searched for by their target customers. Including keywords in the content on your web pages and meta tags will increase the overall ranking for your site. Discussed below are tip and advice for keyword analysis. Read more

The aim of any Web Marketing campaign after building a website is to work on increasing conversion rates, which is, turning visitors into customers. When a website ranks high among the search engine results, there is a continuous flow of targeted traffic. Read more