Using Twitter For Business

Twitter today is still one of the fastest growing Social networks around and a great source of new business for your company. However a lot of companies using Twitter for business engage before they listen, promote before they research and interact before they develop relationships.

Another reason why businesses can’t see results from their online presence is that they haven’t invested the time to use the proper online vernacular more commonly known as ‘Twitter Talk’. Once you have an understanding of the Twitter language and the various functions of the associated symbols you should be able to gain greater control of your business objectives when using the micro-blogging site.

1. Learning how to talk Twitter

Followers: When a Twitter user follows you, they will begin to see your updates (so follow people/companies of interest to you). Similarly when you follow a company you will see their tweets on your homepage feed.

Retweet or RT: Taking a tweet from another Twitter user and sharing it with you followers by typing RT then @username and then the copied tweet of the user, which is considered a major compliment.

Tweet: Twitter allows you to share information or a picture with your followers, however there is a 140 character restriction. To share your tweets with a specific person or group you can use the mention which is a really engaging Twitter tool, for example or the (hashtag) #name of an event for example.

List: To target a refined group of followers then add them to a list and tweet directly towards them.

Twitter Handle: Also known as a username. This is the name you select to represent yourself on Twitter e.g.

2. Reach the Influencers

You can have a lot of contacts but the onus is to focus on reaching quality users also known as ‘Influencers’. The search tool should also be taken into account when using Twitter, to optimize your contacts and ensure your interactions will be more relevant and useful to others. To reach an influencer there is no key tip, trick or Twitter tool it simply takes time by engaging and participating.

Influencers from various industries are more likely to share content from users who tell a story as opposed to those who re-tweet or recite from a third party. When using Twitter for business you need to make sure your excited about your products and services.

3. Use your Space Wisely

Make sure that your profile is fully updated by including relevant imagery to your business, a direct link to your company website and a compelling description that will drive customers towards your website.

The second option you can consider once you have renovated your profile is to use your employees to tweet on behalf of your company. As is the case with most business employees will use social networks to boost their personal reputations and in doing so are flattering the companies indirectly.

This approach should be implemented with accompanied guidelines such as a brand bible or overviewed by the marketing director. However if the strategy is implemented correctly the outcome can be very productive with excited users promoting new products, industry developments and positive feelings through Twitter language.

4. Make your Tweets Matter 

Interaction with your followers is paramount, therefore sending out irrelevant information will not be taken well so using common interests is vital. Use of share buttons on your company website are an effective Twitter tool especially if you have a live or direct feed on your homepage.

The level of user engagement is one of the main criteria being use to measuring how a company is using Twitter for business. With the right analytical tools you can track your Twitter presence and adjust your level of activity accordingly so that when you launch a campaign like organizing a weekly chat on a business topic or holding a scavenger hunt with clues relayed though Twitter you can measure what the campaign did for you and your business.

To find out more about using Twitter for business and other effective social media tools click here.  You can also Contact today and one of our Social Media consultants will be happy to help you with you organize an effective measurable Twitter campaign.